PeeringDB Admin Committee


PeeringDB Admin Committee Charter

Approved by Board July 9th, 2020


The PeeringDB Admin Committee (AC) is responsible for the day to day end-user support of PeeringDB. The Admin Committee functions as the first point of contact for any inquiries to PeeringDB. The Admin Committee produces definitions for enhancements to the workflow and Admin GUI and works with the Product Committee to plan a coherent roadmap for the PeeringDB software.

Out of scope

  • Work covered in the charter of the Operations, Outreach, Product, and further to be established Committees


  • Take care of support tickets, the Admin Committee strives to answer tickets within 24 hours
  • Gather input from end-users regarding the improvement of PeeringDB in terms of bugs and product features and channel them towards the Product Committee via GitHub
  • Improve PeeringDB Admin GUI to help expedient resolution of support tickets


The Admin Committee works with other PeeringDB committees to ensure an equitable division of development resources in recognition of the volunteer efforts that are ensuring the daily operations.


The PeeringDB Admin Committee members serve a one-year renewable term. Volunteers can submit their candidacy to the Admin Committee Chair. The Chair and Vice Chair will choose a new Admin Committee member at any time they see the necessity to ensure the continuity of the Admin Committee. There is a trial period of one month. New members are onboarded by a more experienced committee member (WebEx / Google Hangouts / 3 example tickets). After the trial period appointment is confirmed by the Chair and Vice Chair for one year.


  • Individual committee members should do their fair share of tickets measured over a month
  • If a committee member is away for an extended period of time, inform the Chair, Vice Chair, and a notification sent to the Admin Committee mailing list
  • One month probation where they get taught/mentored by an experienced admin, and where if they do not do the work, they get booted
  • Chairs perform a quarterly review. If you don't meet a fair portion of the work you'll be nudged. Also, three months of inactivity is an automatic ejection


  • Questions and suggestions for the Admin Committee can be sent to the Admincom Mailing List
  • On- and de-boarding is handled via the Admincom GitHub
  • All other issues, also for Admin GUI bugs and features must go to the regular GitHub
  • Any support questions should be directed to the Support Address
  • Admin Committee uses slack and emails for internal communication
  • Regular (4-6 week interval) conference calls are used to stay synced and discuss issues

Decision policy

Admin Committee members will decide on their own when handling support tickets according to the Admin Committee BCP laid out in the Admin Committee How-To Folder. Otherwise, they will decide by simple majority vote on contested issues called by the Admin Committee Chair. If there is a tie the Chair's vote is counted double.


Admincom uses DeskPRO and GitHub as well as direct communication with the main service contractor 20C to achieve its deliverables. In communicating with 3rd parties the Admin Committee should be kept in the loop if the issue is of general interest.

PeeringDB Common Committee Charter Provisions:

Dispute resolution

If the committee handles an issue in a manner in which a user believes that their view has not been adequately considered, their first action should be to raise the concern with the Committee Chair for further consideration. If the dispute is between the user and the Committee Chair then the issue may alternatively be raised with the Committee Vice Chair. If the dispute cannot be resolved the matter may be brought forward to the PeeringDB Board. The decision by the PeeringDB Board shall be final.

Committee Chair and Vice Chair

The committee elects their Chair and Vice Chair from among their members, subject to PeeringDB Board approval. The Chair and Vice Chair work as a team and distribute the workload between themselves as they deem appropriate. Decisions should be unanimous, however the final decision on any matter is with the Chair. In case the Chair becomes unavailable, the Vice Chair may assume the position of Acting Chair. If the Chair or Vice Chair become permanently unavailable, replacement(s) are elected from the remaining committee members, subject to PeeringDB Board approval.

Meeting notes


  • Ankesh Anand
  • Austin Brower
  • John Brown
  • Budiwijaya
  • Shaun Coffey
  • Ron Grant
  • Chriztoffer Hansen - Chair
  • Peter Helmenstine - Vice Chair
  • Gaël Hernandez
  • Adam Korab
  • Christopher Malayter - Board Liaison
  • Aquinas Masakha
  • Crisóstomo Mbundu
  • Julimar Lunguinho Mendes
  • Laura Yepes